“It is always appreciated when people make the effort to write to me after spending time working together.

Here are some of the kind words they have said about their time with Vicki and I on their landscape photography workshop.” Mark

Mark, I wanted to offer my grateful thanks for an excellent 2 day course with yourself and Vicki last week. I quickly realised I was in the presence of a Master and was happy to play Grasshopper on this occasion ha ha! ( ref. King Fu 1970’s tv series). During our first hours together, I had to unlearn some of the bad habits I had gathered taking pictures in the past. You offered a solution via a simple methodical process and patient mentoring. Both you and Vicki offered your knowledge and expertise willingly and we had great fun due to an informal and friendly atmosphere throughout. Equally important to me was an understanding of composition and camera control as technical issues are not my forte. You guided me expertly through this and I now have the confidence to set my camera correctly and not trust to the Gods (whoever they may be). The course was one of the most surprising and satisfying 2 days I have had in a very long  time as it was both educational and entertaining and I go forward with renewed vigour spending days out with my camera. If you are considering a workshop with people who really do teach and NOT guide as I have had the misfortune to have been on in the past, then Mark and Vicki are great photographers who love to teach others, a brilliant combination. Thanks again to you both and having already re booked with you, I will see you both in Snowdonia in early ‘25!

Ronny Marsden, Lancashire

Hi Mark! I just wanted to send a big thank you to you both for Thursday.
You and Vicki make a great team and it’s lovely to be in the company of people who share so carefully and generously and collaborate so effectively and with such respect and fun.
I really enjoyed my day with you and was shattered when we parted. It’s a great reminder that learning a new skill is energy intense. Thanks for your generosity of spirit and being around to help. Unfortunately as someone with endless curiosity, I’ve loads to ask! Will be in touch.


Sue Jackson, Cumbria

“I felt compelled to write a testimonial having just come away from my second Workshop with Mark Gilligan and Victoria Proctor, this time in Wales. Their love of photography is infectious and yet again I have come away 100% satisfied. Both are consummate professionals, ensuring my few days on the workshop was suitably tailored for all my needs, always available 100% of the day. They have the experience, patience and knowledge to easily put me at ease right from the get go. They were quick to identify the area where I could improve particularly with my own workflow and methods whilst out on the field. I was provided with further support and meaningful feedback at the end of each day whilst giving constructive critique of my own work and methods. Over the two days they have filled the gaps that I felt I needed particularly with my own workflow reaffirming the methods taught previously, allowing me to progress further as an amateur photographer. The structured yet relaxed guidance is delivered in a way ensuring I am at ease and left confident with the methods taught, I also managed to go away having captured quite a few beautiful images, a laugh and a great friendship too. 

Thank you so much – Mark Gilligan and Victoria Proctor

Kindest Regards

Tony Bain, Chorley

“Mark, I just wanted to repeat my thanks for Wednesday. I learnt so much (when you encounter the method and process you taught me in your dreams, something must have stuck!) and I picked up so much from you both.I have to research my Olympus menus, focus peaking, etc for myself. Examining my images with you was a salutary experience with the lessons being applicable to other genres too. Both you and Vicki were incredibly patient and friendly and I even liked the terrible jokes. And in the end the strange weather did not defeat us! A great day. thank you!!

Kindest Regards

Doug Johnson

North East

“Mark, I feel I must write to express my gratitude and thanks to you and Victoria Procter regarding the delivery of your two-day workshop which has been nothing more than absolutely fantastic!
It has been so much fun, with ...'cough' jokes? along the way. I was put at ease from the very first moment of our meet-up and never at any point did I feel that I was put under any pressure.
It is difficult to put into words just how grateful I am and that your delivery was exactly what I was looking for when I booked onto the workshop!
I do feel a lot more confident going forward because my approach before taking a shot is now more considered and structured, giving me a better understanding of what I am now doing with a better chance of getting it right in camera instead. My days of sorting through 50+ shots and hours in front of the computer are now gone.
An added bonus: I have gained two fabulous friends and I will join you on another workshop in the future.
Kindest Regards
Tony Bain, Chorley

"I met with Mark when he spoke to our Club at NNPS Nottingham and I found his approach to photography one that I liked. I discussed this with him when I met him on the night and after exchanging a few emails in the weeks afterwards I booked a Day with him and his colleague Vicki. We had a great day in The Lake District and I came away with a clear focus on my imaging. Something that was lacking. I am now booking two days of his busy Training schedule but this time in Wales. My advice to anyone considering a workshop is to invest in your training with Mark. He is a Fellow of the BIPP as he has a great way of instilling techniques to improve your photography. You wont regret it!”

Tim Collins, Nottingham

“In my 2 day workshop with Mark and Vicki, I learned so much! Like many photographers I have spent many hours working on images in photoshop to get them just right. Using the techniques I have been shown, I am now processing images in minutes and they look great! Add to that the friendly approach, listening to what I wanted from the workshop (and the never-ending stream of jokes!) made for a very pleasant and valuable experience. I would 100% recommend to any aspiring photographer.”

Tim Amphlett, Lancashire

”Hi Mark,
Just a line to sat thank you for a great day on yesterdays workshop with you and Vicki.
After shooting digitally with a variety of cameras since 2004 I had captured some very pleasing images over the years but I was inconsistant in terms of my methodology and this was reflected in the low number of “Keepers” I had.
I came to you with a view to adding some structure to my approach and I got this in spades!
What a different way of doing something and making it simple! I came away from the workshop and I now have the understanding and techniques required to add the missing control and consistency to my approach to taking pictures.
You are a gifted photographer AND trainer, a rare combination indeed. Both you and Vicki made the day both educational and enjoyable and I have no hesitation in endorsing your course to anyone whois looking to progress with their landscape photography.
Thanks again”

Steve Davies, Cheshire

“I wanted to say thank you Mark & Vicki for the most fabulous workshop in Snowdonia. This was my second one day workshop (previously in the Lake District) and I cannot emphasis enough, what a brilliant time I had. Mark & Vicki are so personable and for someone who has struggled for years on “group courses” you will be amazed at the difference that their workshop is. Mark explains things from start to finish of a shot so I really understand what settings are for and how the changes effect the photo. I now the take system I have been taught with me wherever I go and have the confidence to shoot in manual all the time. If you are thinking of booking… do it… you will not be disappointed. Their enthusiasm has rubbed off on me and now I can’t wait to go out and practice some more!
Thank you Mark and Vicki and looking forward to my next day in October.”

Sharon Hobson, Cheshire

Thanks very much indeed to you and Vicky I enjoyed my day with you thoroughly and more importantly thanks for the invaluable tips to help me with my photography. The laid-back way you deliver them made me feel at ease. Very much appreciated. You made it look very easy by debunking the system and working to a process. The three grad filters made a big difference to the pictures I created and thanks for loaning them to me. I'll now be walking down the rivers nearby to find some promising places for photos - I know now that I need to improve my "vision" to see these locations and to get out and practice! Once again thanks for an invaluable day and learning experience!

James Aldred, Lancashire

“Mark, I wanted to ‘put pen to paper’ to say thank you to both Victoria and yourself following my time with you last week.

Whilst I have joined you on a couple of photo walks previously, both of which I thoroughly enjoyed, this was completely different.

From the moment we met in Moel Siabod cafe (great place to start), you put me at ease and took the time to understand me, my background in photography and, most importantly, what I wanted to get out of the two days.

Once we were out on the hill, your knowledge of the area was amazing and the areas you took me to suited what I was looking to gain from the workshop.

Returning to the cafe to show me how you process images was fantastic … you were quick to put me at ease as I’d mentioned previously I was overwhelmed by Lightroom.

Day two and Dinorwic Quarry was absolutely amazing! As promised, you made me look at ‘landscapes’ with a fresh pair of eyes and, as well you know, I was blown away by the day! I will be returning very soon!

Overall, a fantastic couple of days with an amazing couple of people! Your patience, your knowledge, your understanding and you humour have inspired me to take my photography more seriously and I will be booking another couple of days again.

Wayne Ellison, lancashire

“If Carlsberg did Photography Workshops.....

My family gave me a one day workshop with Mark for my birthday. What a fantastic present! I’ve always loved photography but would snap off loads of photos and then search through to find the few that I felt hit the mark (no pun intended!). 

Within the first few hours of the workshop I realised that, whilst I might have a great love of photography and could capture a few happy snaps, I didn’t have any process or even much understanding of how to take time, compose, and put real thought into getting great photos. Now, thanks to Mark, I understand that that there really is a much better process to work with, and I am having great fun putting this into practice. It is reducing the clutter stored on my laptop as I now only come back with three or four shots from a shoot as opposed to hundreds to wade through looking for the better ones!! . 

During the day out in Wasdale, I enjoyed great company and laughed a lot. Thanks so much to Mark who has an extraordinary ability to teach his unique process. He also has some great stories to share! Also big thanks to Victoria (very talented photographer) who supported me through the workshop, and helped to make it a thoroughly fabulous day, I can’t wait to book on another workshop in the Spring to gain more knowledge and have fun in the fells. Thanks again for a really fantastic day. Lots of laughs, lots of learning, and lots more enjoyment every time I take my camera out now.”

Kate Wilson, Cumbria 

Hi Mark, Thank you both again for everything on my recent workshop in the Lake District with you. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and certainly learnt a great deal. I also have to say I couldn’t have done it with two nicer and more knowledgeable people. I now need to book you again but this time for Snowdonia. Kind Regards

Jeff Blinkhorn, Cambridge

Dear Mark, I thoroughly enjoyed the excellent time we spent with you and I am very grateful to both you and Vicki for your advice and unfailing encouragement. Although the photographs were taken by me, I am conscious of the fact that their undoubted quality owed a lot to your skills. Finishing them in Lightroom with such a quick and easy process was so simple and I learned a lot in the three days about composition and about the subtleties of my camera. I am in the process of getting organised after being away for so long and I will send you copies of my efforts as soon as I can get Lightroom uploaded. With very best wishes!

Peter Colvin, London

“Mark, I would like to thank you and Vicki for the two days spent around the Western Lake District earlier this month. Very enjoyable and enormously helpful in providing a structured process to progress to full manual control of the camera from a prior dependence on aperture-priority and bracketing. As others have suggested, your process now allows me to return home at the end of the day with images exposed the way I want them rather than with a memory card bulging with countless bracketed variations, enabling a substantial reduction in editing time. I look forward to joining you again for a trip to Snowdonia in the not too distant future.”

Peter Evans, Kent

Many thanks Mark for a great day of photography. It's given me a lot of food for thought about how to take my photography to the next level. I'll certainly be heading out with just me and my camera to practice the process and put that extra level of care into the set up as well as looking more closely at my surroundings to pick the most interesting and pleasing view points. Thanks again”

Jeremy Pugh, Cumbria

“I would like to thank you Mark for a most enjoyable day - instructive but also entertaining. I now have an understanding for an established method to take forward in my landscape photography. I will certainly be in touch to do something further with you”

Gary Turner, The Wirral

"This was my first photo workshop and having booked a three day" one to one" course, I was a little anxious as to how it would go. I needn't have worried. Mark is a very experienced and highly talented photographer with excellent interpersonal skills. His first step was to establish my depth of photographic knowledge. This was important as it identified a number of gaps and misunderstandings, many of which I was oblivious to, despite my being a keen member of my local photographic club and having a reasonable understanding of photography.

Over the three, highly enjoyable days, Mark helped me to understand his methods of photographing landscapes and was happy to lend me various bits of kit to enhance my experience. By the end of our workshop I was confident with the techniques and have continued to work on the skills since returning home.

The workshop was an excellent combination of teaching and downright good fun."

Peter Beard, Surrey

This was my second workshop with Mark but this time in Snowdonia. His knowledge of the area is fantastic and he chose the selection of locations to further enhance my development which meant that I had wide variety of images and challenges for the week. We were deep into mountain country and the weather was very changeable, ranging from bright warm sunshine to amazonian torrential rain (I kid you not!) and on days like that you do sometimes think ‘what if we can’t go any where? Just what do we do??’ I needn’t have worried because Mark's local knowledge meant that he was able to maximise every day and choose suitable locations for me. Consequently, I was able to have a full week of photography and learning. We were joined by his assistant, Vicki Procter on a couple of the days and she is also a very good teacher who sometimes looks at things in a different way. I liked that. As before, Mark's teaching style was relaxed and professional. He has been ‘doing this for a long time’ now and it really shows. He fully understood my needs and ensured ways I would and did progress so that my photography was able to move a lot further forward. That famous Danish beer company don't do photography workshops, but if they did .......”

Jim Butler, Devon

“Mark, many thanks from both Jean and myself for a thoroughly enjoyable and productive workshop in the Lakes this week. We got more out of it than we thought we would and despite everything the weather threw at us! Jean has already done a couple of sessions processing her photos and we have set aside a couple of days next week to re-visit Kelly Hall Tarn and Hodge Close Quarry areas. This will be to put into practice what we have both learned. Not only did your sessions on the structure/control of the photo-taking process prove invaluable for us both but you enabled us to see a few places we had previously visited with totally fresh eyes. Many thanks for your good company and your patient approach. Vicki, it was great to get to know you - another bonus! We look forward to working with you both again and we'll share some ideas on calendars in the coming weeks....and maybe have a look at Snowdonia. Once again thank you for a fantastic learning experience. till the next time! “

Les and Jean Price, Lancashire

“A heartfelt thank you to yourself and Vicki for the support you have both given me in the world of landscape photography. This was my third workshop and I’m sure people would ask why come back again? Well for me it is simple, I have been very fortunate to have found a very talented, knowledgable and respected photographer, a pure master of your trade, (although you do still need to put more work in on the jokes ) in addition and more importantly, you both have a really effective teaching style that adapts to the individual, which improves the whole experience and makes the learning journey enjoyable.
I have seen my journey with you both to date as 3 modules of development. Each module building on the last whilst broadening the knowledge and pushing me that bit harder with challenging composition. 
In an odd sort of way, the poor weather on the first morning ( low cloud and rain) was a huge benefit! The images I captured are amongst the best I have taken, so there is a lesson in itself eh! 
I know you both understand how photography is not just a hobby for me, at times it seems like a panacea, even more so now I can see improving results.
Will I be back for more? Well, for now I need to put everything into practice and consolidate the learning, but, the  learning curve is steep and where better to learn but with you both. Oh.....and I’m keen to get out to Wales as the area you are working in looks amazing.
Vicki and Mark, you are truly genuine people and a pleasure to be with, thank you and hope to see you again.”

Bob Preston, Staffordshire

Mark, I'd just like to say how much I enjoyed our day at Wast Water, it was the 
perfect day's tutorial and you pitched it perfectly for my level of experience 
and enthusiasm. 
The division of the day into three sections, theory, practice and post 
production was a terrific way to get me thinking about my landscape photography 
in ways that I'd never done before.  The practical results were fantastic, 
great images and a sound basis of knowledge on which to build my future 
development as a photographer.
I'll be in touch again when I've had a chance to 
assimilate your advice and I think next time a couple of days in Snowdonia might 
be in order, I haven't climbed there in years so a return trip is long due!”

Dan johnson, Lancaster

“ I approached Mark back in August 2019 and my objective was to attain the fundamentals of landscape photography before a planned trip to Patagonia in October. I booked him for two days in the Lake District and not only did I achieve my goals but I established a good grounding on the subject.  I loved his no nonsense but fun approach that delivered a systematic technique to obtain great landscape photography.  It really is simple and easy to follow. My results from Patagonia were excellent! Upon my return and too further develop my photography I then booked Mark who was accompanied by his assistant Vicki for two days in Snowdonia. It was well worth the revision and the change of location created even more opportunities to ‘spread my wings.’ It was different again and the scenery was so different from the lakes offering a range of diverse opportunities to work and grab some fabulous images. I would most certainly recommend the 1-1 tuition to anyone who wishes to start or improve on their landscape photography.  It will be a most entertaing few days for Mark has a great sense of humour. Don’t tell him I said that…..”

Richard Beghin, South Africa

“I thoroughly enjoyed the day out with Mark and Vicki. What a great team they are, making me feel good from the beginning to the end!
Mark’s pre- and post- talks are easy to understand, very simple! Couple that with great expert tuition in the field and my landscape photography has been lifted to a new level and I'm looking forward to another day with them in the near future. I'd recommend a day with Mark to anyone. Excellent!”

Hanne Siebers, Norway

“Mark runs a very professional workshop in a relaxed and laid back manner. It was customised to my own needs and was delivered at a pace to suit my own development. I came home with some striking and pleasing images but more importantly I now have a process and an approach to photography that I can take forward into my own landscape trips. Many, many thanks Mark for an excellent three days and also to Vicki. A very worthy assistant! I can’t recommend Marks workshops enough!”

Russell Field, Sussex

We had the best fun learning day with Mark! We both needed to get back to using and taking our cameras off automatic and we achieved that in the most enjoyable way. We had a great morning going over the basics which Mark teaches in the simplest way to remember. He started by critiquing our photos in a hugely helpful way and then we undertook a bit of fun class work so we could obtain the best from the camera in the most simplistic way. He made it so understandable and nothing was hurried or too much trouble. After the ‘classroom’ work, we went out on location to put it all into practice on a hugely enjoyable shoot after which we had a quick lesson in Lightroom. The whole day felt ‘slow’ in the best sense of the word . Nothing was rushed. Everything was geared so that we not only appreciated the cameras we had but just as importantly, spending time just enjoying what we were doing with the ultimate aim of shooting some great photographs. Which we did! I cannot recommend Mark and Vicky highly enough. If you, like me, had stopped using your camera in preference to your iPhone and want to really know what to do with your camera, and get the enthusiasm for starting to use it again, then without a doubt Mark is your man. Enthusiasm is his middle name and we can’t recommend him any higher!

Christine Gernon, Cumbria

I booked a workshop with Mark after doing lots of research online and I am so pleased that I chose to go with him. The workshop was brilliantly structured and Mark took things at the perfect pace to help my photography improve at a phenominal rate. I can honestly say that I never thought i'd be capable of producing the images that I did whilst on my workshop - they are images that I am extremely proud of. We started the workshop by having a discussion about me and my photography experience, as well as some discussion on equipment and the basics of what the camera 'sees and does'. The 4 days progressed really well, visiting various lovely locations around the Lake District. Mark really did tailor the workshop to me, using locations that chimed with my personal interests, it really was bespoke. The atmosphere was totally relaxed and I never felt under any pressure at any time; Mark's jokes and one-liners helped keep me at ease! I came away from the workshop totally enthused and with a far greater ability than when I started, all down to Mark's professionalism and teaching. I can highly recommend Mark to anyone for a professional, relaxed and fun photography experience. Mark is truly a master of his craft.”

Jim Butler, Devon

I recently finished a four-day, one-to-one workshop in the Lake District with Mark Gilligan. His website, awards, career history and most importantly his images, prompted me to choose him over several others. Before we met, Mark requested a dozen or so of my images for him to gain an understanding of my ability and they were discussed on the opening morning of the workshop. My aim was/is to become a better photographer, comfortable in full manual mode, with a preference for long exposure images. Mark went through ‘his process’ before setting out and explained so much to me that others had never done. Not even via YouTube. It was easy to grasp due to the instruction provided by Mark and I was pleasantly surprised with my results on day one. The initial pace was carried out at my speed and Mark adopted a very relaxed instructional technique, often accompanied by good dry humour and banter: naturally the same was returned, all in very good spirits. I soon began to take on a more considered approach and by regularly evaluating my position and composition, vastly improved the image. Control was what Mark wanted me to achieve during the workshop and I soon began to understand this becoming more confident with my kit. Each day Mark, accompanied by his assistant, the very competent Vicky Procter took me to new locations. These provided me with opportunities to take images of landscapes, lakes, waterfalls and rivers. By the third day I was a lot more in control of what I was doing. I also became comfortable with the all-important filters, which he loaned me and I will be purchasing asap!. All images were shot in RAW and each session ended where I was shown how to process the images using Lightroom. It took under one minute! I now have some wonderful images in my possession which I am very proud of all thanks to Mark. I have learnt to be in control of my equipment, how to compose a good image (by “blending the correct ingredients”), and how to process the image.  In summary:  

• Mark’s website does him justice, and led me to choose him above others. Book him as he is without doubt a leader in his field.

• I stayed at The Strands Inn which is an ideal base for a workshop. Good hearty food on the menu, washed down with some great home-produced beer in their Micro brewery.

• A variety of locations were used, to capture different settings. It really is bespoke and tailored to you

• An enjoyable relaxed atmosphere was adopted, progressing with my pace and ability.

• Good humour was refreshing throughout the workshop.

• I gained a huge amount of advice, technique, and admiration of Mark from the workshop.

 I will keep in touch with Mark as he is a very interesting guy. Fantastic, truly unique career in photography and TV which is really varied and interesting, However, photography is noticeably where his passion lies. I would thoroughly recommend him to anyone who wants to learn what these cameras are all about and yes, the surroundings of the lakes made it all the more enjoyable! In fact I will probably book him for the Peak District next as it is nearer to my home. Without doubt he can teach anywhere! 

Tim Fleming MBE, South Yorkshire

I attended a 2 day one-on-one course with Mark and his assistant Vicki in the Lake District in October 2019. It was a fantastic experience in every respect and I can highly recommend such a course to anyone who is looking to get the most out of their equipment and learn to take better landscape photos. The first morning was spent in the “classroom” learning Mark’s wonderful systematic process for taking consistency good landscape shots and also learning how to use my camera properly! We then spent time in the field getting to practice the process, before more time in the classroom processing the images using Adobe Lightroom. We spent day 2 in the field, again practicing the process and learning more about composition, with constant supportive tuition and feedback from Mark and Vicki.  The whole experience was most enjoyable. Mark and Vicki are both wonderfully relaxed and effective teachers – and also genuinely nice people. Not only did I learn a lot, but I thoroughly enjoyed their company throughout the 2 days. I will certainly be signing up for another course with Mark in the future. 

Pete MacKeller, Cheshire


"My family treated me to a 2 day one-to-one workshop with Mark as a birthday gift. What a fantastic couple of days I had! I came away a better photographer thanks to Mark's experienced guidance and teaching, where he was able to provide me the tips to take my photography up a notch. On top of that, he enabled me to take some shots I was truly proud of and that I'll treasure. All I can say is it is money well spent purely for the improvements the workshop will give you to enhance your photography skills. However, also having a great couple of days spent with Mark and his affable but no-nonsense style mixed in with many a wise-crack, being taken to some beautiful locations around the Lake District - were all added bonuses that just made the whole experience even more enjoyable. A big thanks to his assistant Vicki too who was always on hand to proffer assistance as well. I plan to do another workshop with Mark again in Snowdonia soon!
Joe Weaver. Midlands"

“Hi Mark! Many thanks to you and Vicki for a really, really great day. Weather and all! I
got exactly what I wanted from it
- the opportunity to take my time having a
go at building up my confidence with long exposures. Thanks for all your
help and guidance as always, it's invaluable (and enjoyable!)
This is my third time with you and we have never had ‘good weather’ but that hasn’t stopped us having a great workshop. The results speak for themselves. Looking forward to the next one with you. Thank you so much.

Hilary Denison, North Wales

Mark, I just want to thank both you and Vicky for a great 2 day workshop where you took me to amazing locations so that I could further my aim of learning how to 'see the picture' and then how to create it in a photograph. I've finally learnt how to use a wide angle lens to best advantage - something that I have always struggled with - and learnt to love it. You also showed me amazing patience in helping me to learn a more straightforward way of processing my images as against the lengthy and complicated method that I have been using. And the whole time you have been very supportive, and also encouraged me to get on with it on my own when I became more confident with the technique. I will attend again in the not too distant future, perhaps during an autumn or spring workshop.

Nicola Billows, North Yorkshire

Mark I just wanted to thank you and Vicky for an absolutely splendid day on Thursday. It was a pleasure to finally meet you both and I found your approach to instruction very friendly, systematic and comprehensive. The pre-shoot discussion set the tone of easy rapport for the day, and I found the review of my earlier photos very constructive in deciding on composition and helpful in avoidance of some common mistakes which I had failed to notice.I enjoyed the shoot enormously and particularly appreciated the opportunity to have detailed and leisurely guidance in choice of location, the systematic approach to manual focusing and exposure and the use of graduated filters. I am now assimilating all the information and shall be approaching my photography with renewed enthusiasm! The traffic conditions in Little Langdale, on our return journey, made me thankful that I was with an advanced driver! Many thanks, once again.

Richard Wilcox, Cheshire

Mark, I would like to thank you and Vicky for a most enjoyable and very informative few days in The Lake District, you were both great company. I learned a great deal how to take landscape photographs and how to get considerably more out of my camera than I have ever done in the past. Your process is really simple to adhere to and really does work. I look forward to putting it all into practice now in the Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors and also translating the skills I learned into my nature photography for my forthcoming trip to Tanzania. I look forward to meeting up with you both again and I have no hesitation in recommending your workshops for any other person keen on Landscape photography, whatever their current skill level. Very many thanks and my best wishes”

 John Barnes, North Yorkshire

“I really loved my two days working with Mark (and his assistant Vicki) in the Lakes. Mark's approach to photography is straightforward - get it "right" as early as you can in the process, whether that's composition, framing or exposure. His professionalism, technical skills and teaching approach are terrific. He adapted our days to make sure I got the most out of our time together. Mark really made me think about what I was doing. He gave me invaluable feedback on how I was approaching a shot or nudging me towards a better idea. If you're looking for a photography teacher to help you move to the next level in your work, or just give you a fresh view on how you're going about it, Mark is your guy. Absolutely recommended.”

Scott Mackie, Cumbria

“Just back from a workshop with Mark from Wast Water Photography. I’ve always been interested in photography but life kept getting in the way! But now I have retired I am able to take the first steps to develop this latent hobby. I searched the internet for a considerable time for one-to-one courses (and there are many), but I kept going back to one site all the time – namely ‘Wast Water Photography’. The site impressed me not only for other testimonials and the details about the course but also the landscape pictures in the galleries section and Mark’s description of ‘tailored’ workshops; I not only wanted to learn but wanted to learn in a relaxed atmosphere and with humour; all these were delivered in spades! I booked a 1-1 two-day workshop with Mark for early May and as requested sent him 12 of my best landscape images for him to assess where I was up to. Over coffee I detailed what I wanted from the two days and where I was up to with my camera controls then Mark gave me feedback on my images. Mark is an excellent teacher, very good at communication and everything was taught in a friendly, but more importantly, in a logical and straight forward process. He has a unique way of explaining the process of composition, metering, f-stops, shutter speed, focusing and finally evaluation. He explains all the dials that are needed to create an image. Importantly, to me as a novice, no question is treated as daft and he is more than willing to repeat anything. We then went out to Wast Water to put the theory into practice. Explaining back, in the field, what I had learnt was at first a little fear-provoking but Mark put me at ease all the time; he has a lot of patience and made the whole process extremely enjoyable – his sense of humour is not that bad! Important lessons? Patience and get it right in the camera. We then retired to the ‘office’ where we loaded the pictures into Lightroom and processed the images. This task took less than a minute because we had got it right in the camera in the first place and, as Mark says, keep it simple! On day two we headed out to different locations where I had to decide the compositions and put all that I had learnt into practice; extremely rewarding! I must mention here Mark’s assistant Vicky who not only provided much help along the way but carried the gear around – thanks Vicky! In summary I can’t believe that I learnt so much within the space of just two days. I have moved from auto to manual, being able to focus properly, using filters and I am beginning to compose images by choosing the right ingredients! And, very importantly, I now have the confidence to go out there and take pictures to be proud of. I would thoroughly recommend the course Thanks Mark”. 

Mike Jenner, Lancashire

 “I organised a 4 day workshop with Mark in October 2018. We started with a review of my previous work and a discussion about what I wanted to achieve from the 4 days. Mark then explained his method of determining the correct filter and exposure for a scene. This is so straightforward and obvious once it has been explained. 

We then went out and about to put it into practice. Mark’s technique is easy to remember and I was soon finding it a natural part of setting up the camera at every location. Why does nobody else teach this?

The next few days started with a review of the images captured the day before heading out into the field. We covered several locations over the 4 days, some of the classic Lake District shots like the Buttermere lone tree plus other less well-known ones.  Mark is a great teacher and happy to pass on his knowledge and experience. He is easy to get on with and good company as is Vicki who joined us for a couple of days.

At the start of the workshop I had told Mark that I saw the workshop as a learning exercise rather than being 4 days of simply producing great images and that if I ended up with one image to put in my annual calendar then I would be happy. I actually ended up using 10 images from the workshop on my calendar which is a good illustration of the effectiveness of Mark’s teaching and technique.”

Brian Wooley, Sussex

“I came all the way from Canada for a 3 day workshop with Mark in the beautiful Lake District because I was totally amazed with his method of shooting images. I had followed him on instagram for a while and knew he would be good to work with. I was right.
I had been on several workshops before and considered myself a decent photographer but when we sat down to go through his method I was puzzled yet ready to learn. However, it did not take long to feel at ease going through all the steps he was teaching me which are actually simple and easy to follow. Believe me they produce amazing results. Why don’ t other pro’s teach or work this way? With his 1-1 attention and being lucky that his assistant Vicki was there as well, I began to take photographs on a different level.
As one of his attendees had said previously, he should patent his method of doing landscape photography as everything is near perfect in the camera! They are right. Our processing took less than a minute!! The 3 days were very easy going with both Mark and Vicki and everything was so enjoyable. The places we went to are so beautiful and spectacular. I have honestly learned so much in just a short time and most importantly I think I have captured the SHOT of my lifetime. Thank you so much Mark and Victoria.”

Bernard Lim, Canada

Mark’s skill is obvious from his photography - but what I found really makes the difference is his ability to teach others in a simple, friendly and effective way. From understanding what I would like to achieve, to explaining how my camera works - and therefore what I should do to use it more effectively, to providing guidance and feedback outside; both Mark and Vicki were informative, patient and great to work with. I now have a much better understanding of my camera, and a straight-forward process to follow when taking photographs - which has given me the confidence and the encouragement to get out there more often!”

Richard Ashlin, Kent

After being amazed at how much I had learnt and seen huge improvement in the standard of my photographs, I returned for a second 2-day workshop. Mark and I agreed that I should concentrate mainly on composition. He took me to a couple of locations and invited me to “find the picture” without any prompting from him, although he answered my questions and gave me a bit of a nudge from time to time. Then over a cuppa, he answered the questions that arose after processing my first workshop photos at home and gave me some tips on how to make my pictures look even better. The outcome? Normally when I show friends my pictures, they make polite comments about the view or the weather but this time (and for the first time ever), they all said: “Wow - what a great photo”!!! Thank you, Mark - you are a genius teacher.

Susan W, Midlands

" I have booked the trip of a lifetime to Canada including a tour through the ‘Rockies’ and with an interest in photography, having and completed a basic beginners DSLR course here in Bolton last year, I knew that if I wanted to capture the Canadian landscapes with some degree of confidence I needed some proper ‘1-1’ tuition. As a consequence I booked a 2 day landscape workshop with Mark with the intention of gaining the appropriate skills and being able to control the camera rather than the other way round.
Mark teaches a process that has given me so much more confidence in my ability to shoot a good, if not a great, landscape.
The two days were outlined, built around my needs and then we launched into the technical know how that was easily digested. The aims and how we were going to achieve them were simplified to give me confidence coupled with extra technical ability. 
We then went out onto the shores of Wast Water putting the theory into practice and I ended up with some good shots in difficult conditions. Already there was an improvement that could be seen and I was controlling the camera in a way I haven't before. Literally after just a few hours!! Mark was joined by Vicki and they were patient and good humoured.  Always supportive and informative.
On return to base we went through the processing. He made it so simple because we spent the time getting the exposure right to begin with.
Day 1 complete. It was full on but delivered in a great way and I knew I’d chosen the right course but more importantly, the right person. Mark has a plethora of stories to illustrate the work and they are told with humour and good grace. His expertise is undoubted as is his willingness to share his skills.
The next day we went up to a small waterfall in the Esk Valley. A place I would have overlooked in the past but a great spot to practice even more skills involving water, it’s flow, ripples and eddies. Today was a day where I was to practice both technical and ‘seeing’ skills with guidance from Mark rather than him telling me what to do. Always there to lend a hand.
A break for lunch and then an afternoon spent further downstream where the river widens and it’s personality is a lot different from the morning’s waterfall. Again I was given free rein to choose my views with Mark always there to offer his advice if required.
As the heaven’s opened we reached the end of my 2 days and it was time to return home.
A big thank you to Mark (and Vicki) for his time, energy and expertise. I would heartily recommend spending time with him for a thoroughly enjoyable and informative 2 days photography workshop."

David Bryce, Bolton

"Have just completed another two day workshop with Mark. The reason I've returned is because for my money Mark is simply the best. His passion and enthusiasm for photography are both evident and infectious. His teaching is excellent as is his knowledge of the Lake District. I cannot recommend Mark's workshops highly enough. A fun-filled and rewarding experience that continues to make me a better and more thoughtful photographer. Thanks, Mark."

Andy North, Swaledale

" As a keen amateur with a fair degree of competence on how a camera works, I went to Mark with the intension of  seeking some reassurance as to what I was doing and seeing was somewhere near the mark ( pardon the pun).  I also wanted to ask a professional landscape photographer’s opinion on all the articles and seminars I had read and watched aimed at capturing the best landscape images – many of which  I found were confusing and seemingly unnecessary.  Photography can be quite a daunting subject particularly with regard to jargon, what elements makes the best photograph and because it is such a subjective subject. I wanted someone to help me simplify and understand what to value and what to ignore.  

Mark’s straight talking, no nonsense approach was exactly what I needed and I had an excellent day learning to put his unique process into action and the benefits of using filters to enhance my exposures.  I learned a great deal  from Mark and Vicki,  who put me completely at ease, encouraged me and made me feel valuable and worthwhile.  I would massively encourage anybody who wants to further their landscape photography in the most beautiful of locations to spend time with Mark."

Steve Carr, Hull

"I was fortunate to be the lucky winner (through Lakeland Lodges of Winderemere) of a day in the company of Photographer Mark Gilligan of WastwaterPhotography. What a brilliant day. We were joined in the workshop by Jane and Mark from Lakeland lodges, who like me wanted to learn all they could about their cameras and how to get better photo's.
Mark brought along Vicki, who is a photographer to help us too. We had a really good day. Mark is a great teacher, so knowledgeable and a wonderful sense of humour. I would highly recommend him. Needless to say I think we all gained from our experience but had a good crack and plenty of laughs. We went out along the River Brathay for the afternoon. I Hope Mark has recovered from me giving him heart failure when I nearly fell in. "Whoops."

Tricia Deacon, North East

"My one day workshop in  October was so good, I just yearned to learn more, so I just had to book again. I booked  a 2 day workshop and had an amazing time with Mark and Vicki, with an added bonus of lots of sunshine and bad jokes. Both Mark and Vicki are so enthusiastic and professional, they give you so much support and encouragement, the day is focused (pardon the pun) purely on you and your camera. I had confidence in the camera control technique taught by Mark, but the learning took another step up when Mark explained composition. The view of Wasdale was awe inspiring, but Mark teaches you to look at it differently .....same view, but a different perspective. To be honest, I look at the results every day and still can't believe they are my photos. Thank you so much. Every where I go I'm just looking for the perfect shot! If you have a passion for photography and want to get more from your camera, I strongly recommend booking a workshop with Mark, he is a true professional and great teacher."

Bob Preston, Staffs

"I recently went on a 2 day one to one course with Mark and Vicki. From initial contact Mark was nothing but professional, advising of equipment/ local accommodation etc. 
The course was extremely enjoyable from start to finish. I was asked at the start what I hoped to achieve, which instantly gave Mark the direction required. The approach was informal and fun. I definitely reignited my passion for photography with some beautiful shots as memories to take away. Photography can be very technical, but for me as an amateur Mark did not over complicate issues. If you have spent money on kit and time trying to get the best out of your kit you really ought to know how to use it properly. I would highly recommend booking onto one of Mark’s courses, you most definitely won’t be disappointed. Just remember to take your waterproofs - it’s not called The Lakes for nothing.

Neil Smith, Chesire

I’ve been wanting to do a photo course day with Mark for ages, and my wife suggested it as my birthday prezzie this year. As my son Tom was home over the time I’d booked he came as well. We met Mark in Nether Wasdale. He’d arranged for another great photographer, Vicki Proctor to join us as a second tutor. Now I’ve been using cameras for years but in a couple of hours Mark took us through his technique for controlling the image; composing and then setting the camera properly to get consistently good images. My goal for the day was to capture in the camera what I see with my eyes. Using Mark’s method, my Fujifilm X Pro1 and Lee Filters both Tom and I were soon getting great results with immediate and real improvement in our photo’s. A top day out in one of my favourite places and a quality way to spend a couple of days. Highly recommended."

Simon and Tom Butterworth, Cumbria

"Mark, I would like to thank you for the time you had spent with me in the Lakes.  Over the two days, you have taught me so many skills that I had wanted to grasp over the years by reading up books, magazines and on internet, but without being able to get to the bottom of it.  Your method is simple and easy to remember and you are patient and very articulate.  I am sure that with the method you have taught me, I will become a better photographer in the future." 

Peter Yu, Hong Kong

"Mark, I’d just like to say how very much I enjoyed my 2-day workshop with you. 
In just two days, you transformed me from being pretty much a “point and shoot” photographer to someone who can take pictures of a quality that I thought only professionals could achieve. 
You are a wonderfully gifted teacher and blessed with great patience. Not only that, but the two days were so wonderfully relaxed and good fun. 

Susan W, Midlands

"I booked my 2 day workshop with Mark simply because he is an accredited Fujiflm Ambassador so thought it a good fit to my Fujifilm kit. Oh what an excellent choice! Mark is a truly people orientated tutor whose sole interest is that you come away with something to be proud of and the knowledge to be able to continue doing so into the future; your time with him is tailored specifically to enable you to do just that. His instruction methods are enlightening, with the emphasis on getting it right in the camera whatever the conditions and my first day really challenged that premise. The results spoke for themselves, his methods definitely work!! The cherry on the cake was the revelation that follow-up processing only needed to be minimal - every time. Win, win all round. Excellent and extremely worthwhile two days, many thanks Mark"

Ann Maguire, Cheshire

"After upgrading my trusty Fuji Xpro 1 to the Xpro 2, I realised there was an
add on I badly needed to make the most of my new camera - a Day with Mark
His patience and infinite knowledge guided me through uncharted territory and on what just seemed like a grey, overcast, damp and dismal Snowdonia day Mark helped me to find light where I wouldn't have believed there was any! He has a tried and trusted methodical approach which never fails, and his easy going manner makes the day, whatever the weather, a real
joy, paced to suit me perfectly. This was my second 1 to 1 day with Mark and, as before, the experience and learning from having a 1 to 1 is invaluable. It's not until I get home that I realise how much I've learned.
I'm already looking forward to the next one......"
Hilary Denison, North Wales

"During the 3 days I spent with Mark I was taught a simple process which was put over in an easily understandable way and in a relaxed atmosphere.  I was then taken into the field to put it into practice in some spectacular locations.  There was plenty time for me to get it right and Mark was always there giving me the benefit of his undoubted skills and experience without always looking over my shoulder.  What I have learnt will definitely help in the future - now its up to me!”
Thanks Again
Dave Chisholm, North East

Yet another great day with Mark (my third to be exact) only this time I was accompanied by my wife, Teresa; an enthusiastic beginner who is eager to convert from ‘holiday snapper’ to someone who’s photographs make you go ‘wow!” We were joined again by Vicki who took Teresa under her wing whilst Mark continued to provide me with yet more insights into the art of composition (and his infamous sense of humour!). For us Mark’s workshops, routed in the dramatic scenery of the Lake District, have provided the ideal opportunity to learn so much - yet only in a day at a time - and always whilst having such a great time. Mark and Viki are without doubt professionals and have a a wealth of knowledge to share. Both are so evidently passionate about their subject.....but be’s infectious!"

Sheldon and Teresa Rowles, Oxford

" I have been on several group workshops over the years and been disappointed because of the lack of instructor time which left me feeling as if I didn't really get the full benefit from them. I wanted more time to be spent on me not watching them go out and take photos. Anyway, I read the testimonials on here and thought why not? Mark has been doing this all his working life and it shows. The best decision I made! I echo everything by all who have left testimonials. His background is second to none and he will show you how to get the best from your camera. He boosts your confidence with a great style of working and some of the worst jokes you will hear but it was great fun in fabulous surroundings even though it was a bit wet at times. It is his passion and his teaching methods that are the best. Do yourself a favour book him.  Believe me this day with Mark was simply more beneficial than any group workshop I have ever done. My rate of development was rapid and I produced several images I never thought possible. That confidence has allowed me to go out and take control of my gear in a way I never have done. My next 'two dayer' is already booked!" 

Dave Reddington, Yorkshire

"My one day 1:1 with Mark was inspirational. I attended with an open mind, just hungry to learn.
Mark has an effective, informal interactive approach to learning which puts you at ease from the off. The day began with a background introduction of myself followed by Mark, at this point I recognised that Mark was a master of his profession with background stories that flowed through the day (plus the odd joke or two).
Mark teaches a step by step method that is easy to remember and puts you firmly in control of the camera including the introduction of filters. Once we had finished with the theory, out we went and put it into practice and the results were astounding. The  end of the day came too soon and left me yearning for more, wishing I had booked for more than one day.
Mark, thank you for a brilliant day, I will definitely be booking a further workshop next year.
I thoroughly recommend Mark's workshop to anyone of any level wanting to capture the perfect landscape."

Bob Preston, Staffs

"If you are looking around the internet for a camera workshop that teaches you how to use your camera to take photo's that have meaning,  if you dont want a course that is only interested in editing any old picture you take, then stop! You have found what your looking for. Mark will teach you how to get the best out your camera and the real importance of composition.  His teaching methods are relaxed and easy to follow, and what's more you will have fun doing it.  Before you know it you will be in control of your camera and looking for your next photo opportunity.  I know this because I have just been on a two day 1-1 course with Mark and it was really enjoyable and informative.  I'm now excited about getting out there and putting into practise what I have learnt.  Thank you Mark"

Karl Beddard, North Wales

Mark, just a huge thank you for the day in Wasdale. All very professional but informal. You rightly started with where I was already at, had looked at my photos and worked from what I wanted to know. All refreshingly personal. Your method, approach and process has helped me a lot; I now know more about choosing the right filter; and about using manual mode which I’d never dared use before. All about control and light, as you said. Thanks again

John Roberts, Yorkshire

"I approached my 1-2-1 workshop with Mark with a sense of trepidation. I was concerned that some of my weaknesses [lack of technical aptitude, poor memory and impatience with myself] would prevent me from extracting maximum benefit from Mark’s tuition. I was worrying unnecessarily. His method of teaching embraced all the most important elements including a clear exposition, an easily grasped method of ‘doing’ and remembering, plenty of repetition, easy and progressive steps, much encouragement and praise. He makes you feel good about yourself and you finish the workshop believing that you can continue making better photographs into the future. 
I would thoroughly recommend Mark’s workshops to anyone who is struggling to refine their technique and composition. You will come away with an enormous sense of accomplishment , confidence, and a set of your own photographs which display some of Mark’s characteristics. It was an amazing experience."

John Ridgeon, Kent

Mark - we would all like to thank you for the wonderful tuition on our Photography day. We all learned so much in such a short time. Your explanations were really clear and we all had fun playing with the process in the few days we had in the Lakes afterwards. We managed to get some pretty good pictures even when the weather was less than ideal. We have been taking fewer pictures but they are better compositionally and certainly technically. We will be back to learn more next year. In addition to learning a lot we also had a fun day so thank you for your time and patience and thanks also to Vicki for her help.

Mary, Nikki and Jill, Hertfordshire

"At the outset of booking Mark for a 121 workshop, I set myself a challenge of taking my landscape photography to another level and then asked him to help me getting  there. Perhaps this was a little unfair, but he accepted the challenge and we met yesterday to try and set me on my way. After discussing my existing knowledge and my expectations, we ventured out to Langdale and Blea Tarn, which was a fantastic setting, where he walked me through some of the processes that he utilises when composing and setting a scene. It is fair to say that these procedures and steps will help me take my photography to another level. They will allow me to work on my technical capabilities and also to work on my composition, in way that I would not have reached on my own. I hope I will do them justice and produce some photos that I will like (first) and hopefully that others get pleasure from, as they do with yours. I thoroughly enjoyed our day together, some great stories and anecdotes, in between sharing your knowledge and expertise and pushing me and challenging me to put those learnings in to practice. I know that practice and getting out there in the landscape is where I need to be, thank you again for giving me a few more tools that I can take with me"

Chris Ward, London

"I recently booked a 1-2-1 workshop with Mark and it was so much fun! He immediately puts you at ease, is very patient, and a great teacher – I learnt a lot about settings and composition in a short time. We might have spent that time avoiding tourists and sheep poo around Wast Water but by the end of the day I felt a huge sense of achievement and had photos that I was very happy with.

Mark’s guidance was invaluable and I now feel more confident and having recognised the areas I need to work on, I am more excited about photography than ever. It was an extremely rewarding experience and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend Mark’s workshops to anyone with an interest in landscape photography. My only regret is that I didn’t book more than one day.

Thanks Mark, I’ll have to come back again."

Lena Whittaker, Hertfordshire

By nature I’m averse to writing recommendations for people or services so the fact that I am here at the keyboard is unusual in itself

I was bought a day with Mark Gilligan as a Christmas present but due to vagaries of work and leave was unable to take it up until the tail end of June.

It turned out to be the best Christmas present I have ever had - bar none!

Mark began by chatting with me to get to know my motivation and some understanding of my, admittedly basic, knowledge of cameras and things photographic. 

He then moved on to teaching an easily learnt system for taking landscape photographs and then we went into the field to put it all into practice.

After some tips on composing a picture we got down to the actual photography and,wonder of wonders, I took several shots that are more than half decent (even he said so, so it must be true!)

Although the weather was not great we had the stunning beauty of the Lake District and to top it all he’s great company.

We then retired for a cup of coffee and a brief tutorial on processing the images.

I came home that day having learnt new skills which I continue to put into practice, having had a great day out in good company and great scenery, and feeling happier than I have done for some considerable time.

If anyone out there is thinking of booking a course with Mark I would say, “Don’t think about it -  just do it.  I’m sure that you won’t regret it."

Mark O'Donnell, Lancashire

Mark provided an excellent day of one-to-one tuition, using classroom, practical and computer based techniques, that changed me from an "Automatic"amateur into a photgrapher who felt confident to Control,Compose and Expose his shots, using techniques in a structured manner necessary to produce a first class landscape photograph.

All those Menu items on the camera, I had never understood and avoided were explained clearly and now being used in practice.

Wind, Rain or Shine, the practical aspects of the day, provided an excellent structure for my future photography whatever the weather!"

Nigel Casson-Moss, Grange Over Sands

"My two day workshop was booked as a 70th birthday present from my family and was the best present they could have given me. I had very little knowledge and was at first quite  apprehensive at meeting one of the best landscape photographers. However, within minutes of meeting Mark, with his easy going manner and sense of humour, he made me feel completely at ease. By the end of the first day, I was feeling more confident both in my camera and myself and had taken some fabulous photos of Wast Water. I left at the end of the 2nd day with plenty of tips and confidence in myself and the whole course was extremely rewarding and fun, and I would say to anyone, no matter what your ability, if you would like to improve on your techniques and skill then contact Mark."

Kath Marsden, Lancashire

"To find a photographer with immense experience and real talent is one thing, but to find one who also has the people skills needed to run bespoke workshops, tailored to the needs of the individual, is a rare find indeed.  On my recent one to one workshop with Mark I achieved everything and more in a day that was well paced and structured with an emphasis and constant reflection on my goals. With his listening ear and a great deal of patience he guided my limited experience gently towards achieving a much broader understanding of what’s required to get the best from my camera, increasing my confidence and self belief in my ability. My day with Mark Gilligan was priceless and I look forward to repeating the experience in the not too distant future. "

Hilary Denison, North Wales

"Mark, Thanks for a vey enjoyable and enlightening couple of days. Your methods for selecting filters and appropriate exposure have helped me no end. My approach to composition will obviously continue to develop and you have given me a good foundation build upon. The advice and coaching you provided has resulted in some cracking pictures in what I had previously considered to be challenging light and weather conditions. I was actually pleased the weather wasn’t fantastic as we get so many days like that and they will no longer be a lost opportunity. Oh, and I don’t know what this says about my sense of humour but I didn’t think your jokes were that bad!"

Paul Fletcher, Eskdale Green

"My friend Julie and I have just returned from the Lake District after a two-day workshop with Mark Gilligan. Considering how poor the weather conditions were (rain, hail, snow, floods), we had an enjoyable time, learnt a lot about the processes of taking photos and processing them, and took some photos which were a considerable improvement on our usual fare. Mark took us to different locations and had his huge umbrella at the ready. We covered several photographic styles and spent time finding the best angle to bring the most out of a landscape. He set out plans for the workshop based on our needs; he was clear with his instructions and checked regularly that we understood. We can certainly recommend him, just look at his photos!"

Jenny Langran and Julie Peart, Nottingham

"Mark, I'd just like to say how much I enjoyed our workshop on Tuesday. I definately feel that I learnt a lot about both the creative and technical aspects of landscape photography. You gave me the inspiration and tools that I need to take the next steps in my journey from "keen snapper" to "considered phototgrapher". Not only did you pass on a lot of great information, you did it in a way that made the day really good fun. Thanks very much"

Iain Wilson, Aberdeen

"My second workshop with Mark was quite simply excellent. As a retired teacher, I can honestly say that he is a great teacher and strikes a perfect balance between theory and practice. His knowledge, infectious enthusiasm and absolute passion for both landscape photography and the Lake District is evident from the get go. Mark's got me to a stage where I understand the camera far more than I ever have done in the past and now it's something I control - not the other way round. He won an award for a photograph entitled 'Finding Gold'. That's how I feel about coming across Mark as a teacher. Simply first class."

Andy North, Lincolnshire

"My day around Wastwater with Mark was an excellent day of learning. Mark spent time helping me think about image composition and structure before imparting his knowledge on capturing a technically excellent image. He did this in a simple and patient manner and there were lots of opportunities for practice and review. Spending time later in the day in the comfort of the local pub editing and reviewing images was also a real eye opener. From just a day with Mark I now consider myself to be a much more proficient photographer and look forward to booking the next session with him soon."

Steve Makin, York

"The two-day workshop was an excellent couple of days that Mark managed very well and his insight was invaluable. He strikes a very nice balance between teaching where required and empowering you to create your images from your own skill set and creative basis. He was also able to make the best of some horrendous weather and utilise his knowledge of the conditions and The Lakes. I highly recommend this workshop to others."

Chris Duggan, St Albans

" I still can’t believe it! My wife’s inspirational Christmas present was a one day one-to-one workshop with Mark whilst on holiday in the Lakes. I had no idea I could learn so much in just one day - and Mark just made it seem so simple! I will now be cataloguing my photographs under two headings: BM and AM (Before Mark and After Mark); and the difference? Composition and a fraction of the time spent tweaking in Lightroom/Photoshop. I can’t recommend Mark highly enough. Great day, great bloke, great fun and top results…what else could you ask for."

Sheldon Rowles, Oxford

"Myself and three friends spent a day with Mark at his ‘ office’ on Wastwater and what a great day it was. We all learned so much about how to use our cameras - it’s amazing how easy it is to work in manual mode when it is explained so clearly. Mark is an excellent teacher, patiently explaining the processes in an easily digestible and comprehensible way and making the whole day fun and enjoyable. We are all converted to becoming enthusiastic landscape photographers and he has changed the way we now look at any vista in front of us. I can give no better recommendation than to say that we are already planning to book further days with him in the future."

John Lovelady, Grapenhall

My mother and I have always been interested in photography, especially whilst travelling, but have only used the auto setting on our SLRs. Having just 1 day with Mark took our understanding from memory snaps to building the photo composition and technically capturing what you see in front of you onto a photograph. For the first time we were in control of the camera!! It was a fantastic day for the 2 of us both in terms of a fun day together and also learning a process that we will be able to use over and over again. Thank you Mark! I am sure we will be back"

Rosie Snow, London

"Our 1 day photography course with Mark was booked as a wedding anniversary present and was meant to be a bit of fun and learning, it turned out to be so much more! Mark brings expert knowledge and also years of teaching experience. Key concepts and processing steps were explained very clearly and in only a short space of time we were able to start taking control of our D-SLR. Mark has tons of local knowledge and his love and enthusiasm of photography and the land is delightful. We were lucky to learn from the very best and will never return to automatic mode. We enjoyed the practical hands on experience in the beautiful surroundings of the Lakes and would not hesitate to return for some more fun and learning. If you want to take some real landscape photos then Mark, the Rainbow Man is your man. Our only regret is not to have booked a longer course!"

Joyce Yeung, Hatton Park

"I received the 1 to 1 as a Christmas present from my family and it's probably one of the best gifts I have ever received! After meeting Mark at the Inn where we were staying, he tailored the day to suit my ability.  The way he taught me was relaxed but he also got the points acrosson how to compile a landscape photograph in an uncomplicated way and this is now how I will approach taking landscape photographs."

Ste Roughly, St Helens

" I recently had the pleasure of a one-day landscape photography workshop with Mark in the beautiful and inspiring Wasdale in Cumbria. It really is incredible how much you can pack into one day without realising it until later!

Notebook at the ready, we began with a conversation about me, him, photography, equipment, expectations, aspirations and the world in general. This both puts you at your ease and allows Mark to establish how best to introduce you to “the process”.

I like processes. Once the penny drops; you will have at your fingertips a technique which puts you in control of the photograph you are about to create.

With Mark there is nothing but encouragement for you and the pace at which you want to learn. Bespoke means bespoke (with apologies to our Prime Minister).

I was delighted with the day’s photographs. It was particularly satisfying to see such a dramatic improvement on my previous efforts after just one day.

So, would I recommend a workshop with Mark? The answer is a resounding yes."

Martin Morgan, Poulton-le Fylde

" Just had a 1-1 workshop with Mark and he introduced me to graduated neutral density filters. The day with him helped me to slow down and compose my photos in a more considered wayI use a Fuji X Pro and it was a huge bonus that Mark knows these cameras backwards. By the end of the day I had learned a new way of working and become much more comfortable with tripods, filters and manual exposure: practical lessons from a patient teacher against a perfect, lakeland backdrop. 

Andy Denwood, Yealand

"Just completed a three day adventure with Mark in and around the beautiful West Lakes area of Cumbria. It was an education and I had not realised before meeting him that I had no idea how to hold a pen or a camera. Mark you are a gem. I have the greatest admiration for his experience, advice and knowledge of this area. I got what I came for and so much more. He introduced me to the Stands Inn and the wonderful and landlord and landlady Mark and Lesley who were extremely accommodating. I appreciate why Mark likes the place, simply explained by the sign outside the pub that states "Muddy boots and old dogs welcome". Most apt. You are my new hero, well for this week anyway. He taught me more in the first few hours of day one that all of the reading, and several other workshops that I have attended. To be recommended and endorsed by me for sure. Thank you Mark."

Paul Jones, Bedfordshire

"From the moment I found Mark's website, to making the enquiry and attending the workshop, I was very impressed with the whole experience and find Mark an excellent tutor in the art of landscape photography. He goes the extra mile, makes you feel comfortable in your surroundings and instilled confidence in my camera abilities. I have left Mark's workshop with impressive images, new found skills, confidence and, also as important, a new friend. I would recommend the workshop to anyone who ever doubts themselves behind the camera and wants to capture the beauty of the Lake District! Thanks Mark x "

Ashleigh Salter, Bristol

"What a great experience. I could not ask for any more from the 2 day workshop I attended. Mark has a great way of taking away the mystery and teaching simple drills to really help you understand the process. No matter of books could do this. One on one instruction is totally dedicated and I found myself on a huge learning curve and a high after the experience. Beautiful surroundings and great administration, I would recommend this workshop to anybody, who is really looking to open up their adventures into photography. Thanks Mark."

Steve Cottrell, Southport

" I spent a day with Mark on Wastwater having been given it as a present from my wife. Mark took the time to understand exactly what it was that I wanted to achieve from the course and then ensured that he concentrated on these areas.  Obviously an extremely talented photographer, Mark taught me some extremely useful tools and techniques to ensure I left the day with the knowledge I needed to improve my photography skills.  Having seen other photography courses in the past where the professional also takes the opportunity to take photos, it was nice that Mark didn’t even bring his camera and instead concentrated on teaching me. Overall and fantastic day. I’d have no hesitation in recommending Mark to anyone interested in improving their photography skill."

Andy Tamea, Penrith

"What can I say?  The 2 day workshop I did with Mark is some of the best money I've ever spent.  In the magnificent surroundings of Wasdale and beyond, I learnt a technique that is so simple to use it's absolute genius.  Mark is an excellent teacher and his enthusiasm and passion for both landscape photography and the Lake District is infectious.  The two days went incredibly quickly in a relaxed and fun atmosphere in which Mark's main focus was to improve my understanding of the camera and of landscape photography.  At the start of day one, he said I would experience a steep learning curve.  And boy, did I!  If you're thinking about a landscape photography workshop then without question, Mark's your man.  Quite simply brilliant."

Andy North, Yorkshire

"My wife booked me a one to one Landscape photography course with Mark over at our Caravan in  Ambleside. He travelled up to the Lake District and met me at our place. Right from the start Mark makes you feel at ease as he gets to know you and at no time makes you feel intimidated. This was the start of a very enjoyable day as we drove to a nearby area and started to really get into what he does best, teach photography and makes it very enjoyable. His approach and the way he explains it all is something you can only get from a one to one. After getting to grips with various techniques we returned to where we stay and this was where it gets even better,checking what you have taken and the knowledge you have gained. I'm not new to photography and have had cameras for many years but the improvement was quite remarkable. Do yourself a favour and get out and about with Mark ,you wont regret it. Im looking fwd to another session out and about with him when time permits.

Kevin Duffy, Newcastle

"Mark, thanks for a very informative and fun couple of days and should the rain ever stop I will go out and practice what you taught me! I really enjoyed our days in the field and I am looking forward to minimally tweaking the pics I took. Thanks again"

David Leck, Newcastle

"I have just returned from a two day workshop with Mark. It's has been an incredibly enjoyable and informative two days and my head is buzzing. Above all I have felt empowered and facilitated to express myself through photography.
Mark has a very relaxed but professional and systematic approach. His unique sense of humour and communication style make learning a joy. It is so much about the passion not just the technicality. He has a real knack for understanding where you are at and working with this with the philosophy that no question is too daft- I really appreciated that!
We started with a review of 12 images that I had sent earlier to get a feel for what I was capable of and then ran through my understanding of the camera.  That’s a great test when you have to explain it back to an expert.
My goals were to get better at composition and develop my own style. But I soon realised that I needed to get a better exposed photograph and Mark’s run through of how to do this was genius in its simplicity and reliability.  Just ask PAM!
We moved for the next few hours to Wastwater and practised all the techniques we had talked about. An analogy about fishing and patience helped me. All the way Mark was very focused, gently challenging, encouraging rather than being prescriptive or judgmental. When the light seemed to have gone we waited and witnessed an extraordinary rainbow. Patience…
The following day began with a couple of hours of understanding workflow and doing some gentle tweaks in Lightroom and Photoshop before visiting a couple of other great locations using Mark’s extensive local knowledge. This cemented what we have done previously. 
The 2 day workshop exceeded my expectations and provided me with fantastic tools for the future…and some fantastic images. Highly recommended."

Andy Carlisle, Newcastle upon Tyne

“Back in September, I attended my fourth, two-day workshop in the Lake District with top landscape photographer Mark Gilligan
Over a coffee, we had a catch up chat and viewed a few of my images just to give Mark an idea had to how far I'd progressed over the last twelve months. I wanted him to show me how to successfully take and process panoramas without going to the lengths of buying a special ‘pano’ head.  
Dodging the showers and moving between locations such as Latrigg, Braithwaite and Crummock Water, we managed to do just that. Delighted!! 
Day two and we moved over to Ullswater. Mark organised the day as if I was to take shots for a magazine. The weather was 'iffy' again but I managed some lovely images. We made our way back to a local hotel where we had a coffee and cake then reviewed my day’s work. I plan to have another workshop in 2016 with Mark using my new Fuji X Pro1 alongside my Canon 5DMK3. All I can say is, Mark thank you for another fabulous workshop. If anyone out there wants to improve their landscape photography skills look no further than the Master!”

- Tony Nicols, Yorkshire

"Having recently returned from a most enjoyable one to one two day landscape workshop with the very talented (and almost famous) Mark, just wanted to say how much I enjoyed it with this master of landscape photography in one of the most picturesque areas of Great Britain. Both light hearted and informative, I thoroughly loved the workshop. Mark has a unique and relaxed approach to the teaching of his techniques but also ensures you learn along the way too. Would, without a doubt, recommend working with Mark on his workshops. Booked to go again within 3 weeks of my return and looking forward to a frosty and hopefully snowy two days in November."

- JEN GRACE, Oldham

"As a veteran of close-on a dozen workshops, I can say that Mark was one of the very best. He looked at some of my previous images, and gave me a constructive critique. Then out in the field he started by making me practise a straightforward method for exposing an image correctly and managing filters – I wondered why none of my previous professionals had suggested it. Simple and systematic; if Mark could patent it he’d be a millionaire. The Wastwater locations were splendid, hardly surprising as he has made it part of his life’s work to photograph the area. He was unfailingly helpful answering questions and suggesting improvements, even carrying my monster tripod when we were going over rough ground – I’m not as athletic as I used to be. We had one dismally grey and damp morning, when I and many photographers would not even have taken the camera out – but Mark found a location where we could do something really rewarding. Last but not least, my wife was with me; she has never been a photographer and was just going to come to walk and enjoy the landscape – but she got enthused, and Mark generously included her in his instruction; she ended up with a liking for photography, and some very creditable images. So in three days I learned a lot, my wife became a photographer and we took some pleasing shots. It could not have been better. Thank you Mark!"


"I had a super action packed landscape photography day with Mark. A spot of theory in the cafe (nicely supplemented by good coffee and cake) followed by a practical session up at Wast Water. Mark proves zero to hero is in the realms of reality. Thanks Mark!"


“Mark, I just wanted to thank you for a fantastic day which I truly enjoyed. I must admit though, because I had completed a BTEC Level 2 in digital photography previously, I wasn’t sure how much more there would be to teach, but I was so pleased that you were able to alter the course to take what I had previously learnt and build on it, so I learnt so much more!! I thoroughly enjoyed playing with your Big Stopper too! It’s a great piece of kit and after using it for a short time, I got the hang of it with amazing results! I will definitely be buying one very soon! Thank you again, I would have no hesitation in recommending you to all levels of photographer wanting to learn the techniques of landscape photography."


"If anyone is even thinking about a Landscape Photography Course, stop thinking and definitely look no further than one of Mark's Workshops.

I enjoy my photography but having recently undertaken a one day course I realised how much I didn't know and he helped me fully understand how to get the most from my camera to take landscape photos. You’re guaranteed a 'bespoke' workshop with Mark which is tailored to your needs & level of photography.

From the moment you meet up with him, over coffee, it isn’t long before you realise that it is going to be run in a very relaxed, humorous & informative manner... it’s FUN, with a good sense of humour thrown in ‘free of charge’!! There’s no classroom environment or heavy teaching. You are out there ‘hands on’ being tutored by Mark, surrounded by some pretty awesome scenery!!

You’re sure to come away with more knowledge & understanding of camera technique & ability to capture what’s around you ‘in camera’ too. None of this hours spent toiling on a laptop. This was pure photography with minimal processing afterwards. I promise you will learn more than you could ever imagine.

Would I recommend Marks Workshop? Definitely, without shadow of doubt!!

Will I be returning for a two day workshop... most definitely. Thanks again Mark for a great informative day. Look forward to seeing you later in the year.”

- BRIAN WILCOX, Manchester

“Mark you have a great formula for success that I found accessible and fool proof.  Your approach really cuts through the complex stuff. I was impressed at how quick I was able to move into 'manual' mode to capture a quality image. An inspiring day from a true professional!”


"Before the workshop, I was set my first ‘homework' First to send 8 of my best landscape shots, then a list of features on my camera to learn. There’s more theory than I imagined, but Mark’s simple explanations made it easy for me to grasp. I find that I get things easier by actually doing.

Mark explained it is best to get all you need done when you’re taking the shot, so you have to do the minimal amount of processing afterwards. We did! A few minor tweaks on the laptop when we got back which took seconds and before me was my first ever proper picture. I was very proud."


"Can highly recommend Mark's landscape photography course as it has really changed my pictures from being 'good' to 'great'. I received his one day Wasdale landscape photogrpahy course as a present and it is the best Christmas present ever! I benefited from Mark's unique approach and teaching methods as it was clear that the day is tailored to each person based on their abilities - it's not just a standard course! The way that the day was structured has ensured that I'm now able to apply the more technical aspects when out and about resulting in much improved photography."


"Well the course started over a coffee and a chat and at the end of the chat the statement from Mark was, 'I will have you shooting in full manual by midday' True to his word he did. The two days gave me great insight to landscape photography & the confidence to really focus on taking the right shot! I will be back for further courses and to enjoy Mark's relaxed training style."

- VINNY GIDLEY, Nottingham

"Having really enjoyed my first landscape photography workshop with Mark, I returned for a two day course. He went to enormous trouble to make my trip enjoyable, whilst giving useful advice to help me achieve some great photographs. We covered a lot of ground over the two days, providing an interesting variety of scenes to capture.

I have been really pleased with the improvement in my pictures and would highly recommended Mark to anyone wishing to develop their landscape photography skills."


"I feel like shouting out 'Look what I made!' All thanks to Mark Gilligan!

I've gone from being a 'geek with a phone' to a 'nerd with a camera'. Had a fabulous bespoke workshop with Mark. I would recommend those budding photographers or anyone who's a whizz to try this workshop with Mark.

He fits his workshop with your level of skill - mine was pretty low but what a learning curve! I am now going off to take some pictures!"

- NANCY BANKS, Gosforth

“This was my third landscape photography workshop with Mark. I have to say another outstanding two days!

One of my objectives on this trip was to incorporate my new Lee 6 stop filter. I have to say that nothing is too much for Mark. He's on hand to offer advice and suggestions and he knows the lakes so well. You don't shoot loads and loads of images. Its about quality and not quantity. 

He makes the workshops fun, has a good sense of humour, is very knowledgeable and always happy to help. I'm looking forward to my next workshop when Marks going to guide me through Lightroom and I have already booked him for two more days.

Thanks again Mark, you're the Master!"

- TONY NICHOLS, Yorkshire

"Thank you for a most enjoyable and informative 3 day workshop. I must admit you taught me more than I was expecting. What impressed me most, was your demonstration that it is possible to take stunning pictures in low light on dull days. I had heard this said before but never really accepted it until your skill and experience led me to discover the truth for myself.

The whole experience was great. Fresh from your outstanding workshop, I managed to apply many of your tips and get some great shots throughout the rest of my trip"

- WAYNE GIBBONS, Australia

"I attended a two-day landscape photography course with Mark in August 2013 – it was a 60th birthday treat from my wife. Little does she know that it’s going to cost much more than she bargained for as I now have a shopping list of things I want to buy to consolidate what I learnt! Of course, not everyone will want to do this.

I learned so much about composing pictures that if I just took that away it would still have been valuable. I previously thought myself to be a reasonably competent photographer in that I’ve got some fairly decent images of the outdoors where I have spent a lot of time. And, indeed, Mark confirmed that the set of 10 best landscapes which I submitted prior to the course were ‘not bad’.

But now I feel that I want to re-visit all the places I’ve been and photograph them all again with my new-found set of skills. What Mark did was listen. He asked me questions and listened to my responses. He didn’t come from ‘Look at me – I’m the expert’ - he listened to find out what was getting in the way of me making great pictures. And then he figured out how best to help me. He didn’t criticise or put me down. He found out where I was in respect of my ability to ‘see’ a picture and my technical understanding with respect to the camera and the software editing process.

Then he started to work on developing my ‘seeing’ eye and my technical knowledge. He never went faster than the pace I was comfortable with and he stopped several times during each day to re-cap – ‘so, what have you learned so far?’ – to check what was sinking in. And all this with a great sense of humour and lots of stories – if you’re going to be on a 2-day course with 1:1 tuition, you might as well do it with a good bloke.

I liked the way that he was pretty much hands-off. He worked with me, my camera and my accessories. He didn’t even bring his own camera. He made suggestions about kit but that’s all. This isn’t a course about buying top-of-the-range cameras and computers. The fact that I want to go out and buy a few bits of extra kit that will help me in the editing process is purely a personal choice and reflects the stage I am at with respect to my photographic and computer skills.

I also liked the fact that he knew exactly where to take me to make the point about composing scenes and dealing with light. We had a gloomy two days with cloud rain and only a glimmer of sun but that didn’t matter, he knows how to teach and that’s the main thing.

I learnt two key things in the two days: How to take a good picture and How to make a good picture.

The first part is about ‘getting your eye in’ – finding and composing the right shot in the viewfinder and getting sensible information about it onto your memory card.

The second is about re-creating that shot in the computer ‘dark room’. This requires some basic computer skills and is perhaps the more technical aspect of the course, depending on your own experience – but it is a necessary part of the process and is absolutely fascinating.

I can highly recommend Mark – a talented guy who understands photography at many levels – he has an amazing eye for landscapes and is able to pass this on to his students. He’s got loads of experience and patience and will use this to make you a better photographer. Not only that – you’ll enjoy your time with him and will come away feeling much more confident."

- STEVE RIPLEY, Lancashire

"I decided to take a two day course with Mark Gilligan. As well as being a supremely talented photographer, more important for me, is that he is also a GREAT teacher. Within two hours I was understanding all about those mysterious f-stops and taking photos on manual. How excited was I?!

We then to go back to the computer and become the processor of the image I had taken which was an even more exciting discovery. By the end of the second day, I was framing my photographs better and I was in control of my camera.

Mark's practical approach to teaching and allowing me to experiment and learn in a relaxed and beautiful environment of The Lake District made the two days fly by. The results of these two days? When I saw the image on the computer screen I jumped up and down with excitement!

FINALLY the image I was looking at was a true reflection of the photo I thought I had taken! Oh- and did I say how patient a teacher he is?I'll certainly be going back for more"

- JUDY KING, Shropshire

"I've been meaning to send you this 'Thank You' note for awhile now, but unfortunately life took over when we returned to the States and I'm just now getting to it.

Both Karen and I had a wonderful day with you and it seemed to fly by. I certainly feel that I learned a tremendous amount in a very short period of time. You really helped me fill in a lot of technical gaps and think differently about optimising the image in the field as opposed to lots of post-processing work.

Don't forget, if you make it over to the States, our door is always open. We'd be happy to show you around Mystic, CT and I know lots of great spots for some photowalks."