Having been lucky enough to call this 'work' for over forty years, I am always delighted when asked to talk to Photographic Societies, Clubs, The Photography Show or any organised group of people who would want to hear about my work.

These are the three talks that I offer and they are delivered with Macbook, remote and sense of humour….


Photographing landscapes throughout the seasons whatever the weather


Landscapes, Intimate landscapes, travel, street and weddings


Part One: My unique career in photography and film making (testimonials here)

Part Two: My Landscape and Magazine work 

*Please note that all are approximately 90 minutes in duration plus Q&A afterwards*

I fit in with your programme and bookings are currently being taken for late on in 2024 and 2025 seasons. Below are a few of the testimonials that people have been kind enough to write and send in.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Regards Mark

“Without doubt the best talk we have ever had. Says it all. there is a clammer amongst our members to get him back asap for all of his talks. Already being done! We are looking forward to his NEXT visit”

Lancaster photographic society

“If there is a better landscape talk out there we haven’t heard it. Literally outstanding and inspirational. He is coming back for the third instalment soon”

Durham photographic Society

“It was an honour and privilege to lead Llandudno Photographic Society members and guests in giving Mark Gilligan a standing ovation for the talk he gave us.” 

Llandudno Photographic society

“Mark delivered an enthralling evening packed with stories, tips and tricks, witty repartee and of course stunning images.
He really delivers on his talks and is so professional, dedicated and passionate. his ability to inspire is second to none”

Preston Photographic Society

“excellent, interesting, amazing images, an excellent speaker with appropriately added humorous anecdotes to name a few. 
We want you to return for further presentations. We cannot wait”

Ruthin Camera Club

“It was a fabulous and attention grabbing talk. He only came last night and we have RE-booked him already”

Sale photographic Society