October Already...... — Mark Gilligan FBIPP

October Already......

The autumn has really arrived now and those leaves are turning very quickly.

I will be out on the fells for the next two weeks not only running workshops but hopefully managing to get some images for myself. You would be surprised at how little time I actually manage for ‘me time’.

I always look forward to meeting new folk on the workshops and I will be nipping across to the North East and talking at Durham Photographic Society on Thursday 11th at 7.30pm to renew acquaintances with several who have undertaken my workshops and those who gave me a fabulous warm welcome last time I was there. This will be for my second ‘chat’ in the series entitled ‘SAME VIEW-DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE’

A quick turnaround and then I am off to the Yorkshire Monochrome Group on Sunday afternoon with my talk, ‘A BIT OF A JOURNEY’. Again all are welcome.

Looking forward to them both.

There is now a last call for entries by TRAIL MAGAZINE for their Mountain Photo comp.


If you haven’t already entered you have until the 21st October to submit. It has been an honour to be providing monthly tips for the comp again and I look forward to taking part in the judging later on in the year.

Good luck!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank those from across the globe who have contacted me about the FUJIFILM film I was in regarding the XF8-16mm lens.

There have been lots of requests asking me my opinion as well as those i lent to the programme and that LEE adaptor to use with the lens and 150 system.

If you contact LEE direct they will give you full details of its release.

The one I used was a prototype and it worked very well!

I now have to pack before heading off up country.

Enjoy your photography!
