A Few Away Days — Mark Gilligan FBIPP

A Few Away Days

We have just returned from a nice week in the Algarve.

A nice mixture of work and pleasure. It is a regular haunt of ours and we tend to visit most years. It never disappoints.

Like anyone who takes their camera away with them, I have to wade and select through photographs marking the ones I know will be keepers. I take a different style when abroad. I tend not to concentrate on general landscapes but I shoot street scenes, a genre i love and 'everyday' images that I know are good to have 'in the bank'. They aren't just for show but for agencies and future blogs etc.

It is amazing how some of the 'ordinary' day to day images that most people wouldn't even consider worthwhile can be productive and more lucrative from a professional perspective. 


When searching for an image to illustrate an article, a nice overall shot of a street scene such as the one above can be more enticing for a picture editor rather than some over complicated shot. Dont get me wrong they both have a place but I have found that the less complex the image is, then the further it can go.

I will take lots of different angles of a scene with different lenses but the egos is : keep it simple.

It is back to normality now and this week is a combination of image selection, processing and finalising my talk presentation for the PARK CAMERAS FESTIVAL this weekend. If you can make it I would be delighted to see you as I am there for two talks on Saturday.

Lodore Falls

Lodore Falls

Bow Fell in OWPG magazine 'Outdoor Focus'

Bow Fell in OWPG magazine 'Outdoor Focus'

It is always nice to be published and I have arrived home to find that CUMBRIA magazine has used an image I took of Lodore Falls a few years back when it was in spate and that the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild have used one of my Bowfell Images as part of a series they are running called 'ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK'.

Oh yes, five weeks down the line and the sun is still shining.....
