The dark nights have just kicked in and soon it will be full winter gear whilst out on the fells. Actually, I have been in thermals for past few weeks.
Winter draws on……I love all the seasons so this move to dark nights has never bothered me and in fact as a professional tog I get to stay in bed later for the sunrise shots.
Whats not to like…..!
It was a delight to have my work recognised by the Outdoor Writers and Photographers Guild and the commended certificate is now sat proudly in my office.
Awarded for my work in the Upper Esk.
One of my images from ‘IN HIS ELEMENT’
The OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHY magazine ran an advertorial on me this month and talking with the editor Steve Watkins was a great way to catch up and also answer the questions that they put to me.
Outdoor Photography Magazine
I literally havent stopped since we came back off holiday and I am not complaining. It has been a great run of workshops and talks where I have met and worked with some fantastic people.
I wont mention all by name but they were a joy to meet and work with and I am glad that most have decided to arrange further workshops or talks with me. You never know who you will meet but I am lucky in that all who book me are great folk and a delight to be with. I have said it many times before but to be asked to help people progress with this great art is a real honour for me. I never take it or them for granted.
Jim on a glorious day at Kelly Hall Tarn
Pete working in Watendlath
Jim above the fabulous Wast Water
My association with BILLINGHAM has grown considerably and after using their kit for over 25 years it was a pleasure to be asked to work with them. I am really loving my new rucksack. It is so compact and allows me to carry all I need comfortably as it sits much higher on the back and doesn’t weigh me down.
Working with my ‘25’ whilst over in Menorca. I apologise for the bare legs….
I have never been let down by the quality of their bags and currently have four that are in constant use.When they approached me they stressed how keen they were to have me be the subject of one of their features and if you havent already seen and read it you can click on this link and it will take you to it. I hope you enjoy reading it and it should fill a few gaps in about my working life to date. The ‘talks’ season has now begun in earnest and enjoyable is too understated a word for them. Well I enjoy them…..
The clubs that are dotted around the country are the life blood of grass roots photography and the members are always keen to soak up information and ask a myriad of questions about your working life and practices. I was asked at one club, ‘I have to say that your work is outstanding but do you ever take a bad photograph?’ My reply?
“Yes but I am not going to show you……”
I recently ventured over to Snowdonia with my assistant Vicki Procter on a grey day and headed onto the old quarries at Dinorwic. I cannot get enough of the location and I am currently working on my fourth talk ‘TIME AND THE LANDSCAPE’ where the quarries will make a significant contribution.
High above Llyn Padarn and Llanberis in the quarry at Dinorwic.
It also gave me opportunity to use my new LEE Wide Angle Hood.
I love them as I used to utilise hoods when making films many moons ago and I find them invaluable and so flexible. A permanent feature in my kit bag.
My camera set up with the new Lee Hood.
I have been fortunate this year to be able to take some autumnal images and they will appear in my online shop soon. It may surprise you that I dont get much ‘me time’ but I have been fortunate recently to grab a few moments and make good use of them.
For me, the end of the year is filled with workshops, magazine articles and talks and before you know it will be 2020.
Where on earth does all that time fly?
Get yourself out before the colours drop of the trees and the real winter kicks in.
Enjoy your photography!